Contact Us
Here's how to contact us at GamblingAuthority. Getting in touch with the team at GamblingAuthority couldn't be easier. Whether you have some ideas for the website, suggestions for guides you'd like to see or any general enquiries or to provide feedback, we encourage you to contact us.
We will also take on board any complaints or requests for further information via the same channels should you want to discuss the site or a page. There are two main ways to contact GamblingAuthority:
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Online form
Use the form below to contact GamblingAuthority.
Office hours
The team is available during business hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Note, however, that this excludes public holidays and bank holidays. We have a hybrid team, some working from the office and others from home.
Social media
Commercial enquires and press enquires
Want to learn more about GamblingAuthority? Why not visit our dedicated 'About Us' page to discover who we are?
We're open to discussing advertising opportunities or other commercial enquiries. The same goes for requests from the press, whether that's newspapers, magazines, or something else. In any case, don't hesitate to contact us at the email address above.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Please note that we will not reply to any spam, consulting requests or partnership proposals via this form. Instead, please get in touch via email for any advertising placements or partnership deals. Also, please be aware that this form cannot be used to sign up for newsletters or other marketing purposes. Instead, the online form sends us feedback on the site, suggesting ideas for content or general inquiries about our business.
For more information about working alongside us, please visit the Partners page. Regarding our reviews, we have a dedicated team and an optimal process for rating the casinos on our site.
For open positions at GamblingAuthority, please see our Careers page.
Thank you.
Contact GamblingAuthority FAQ
Peter is our Editor-in-Chief at Gamblingauthority. He has more than eigth years of experience from the iGaming industry and is a valuable resource for everything related to online casinos.
Read more about the author